1st National Conference on Industrial Startups, Dijon

Welldrinks France attended the 1st Assises Nationales des Start up Industrielles (1st National Conference on Industrial Startups) in Dijon, on September 11, 2024, organized by La French Tech Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in partnership with Maddyness. This major event brought together influential public players, top decision-makers, industry leaders, innovative start-ups and the 17 French Tech Capitales, enabling the industrial start-ups of each territory of France to be showcased.
The program included dynamic roundtables and interactive workshops addressing strategic themes such as the competitiveness of French industry, financing and innovation support models, regulatory challenges, as well as growth levers and international expansion strategies.
France’s dynamic industrial start-up sector is becoming increasingly structured. Many of them are reaching a turning point in their growth: industrialization and scaling up.
“According to the Bpifrance census, there will be 2,500 French industrial startups by 2023. The Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE) counted 201 industrial site openings or extensions last year. There will be 500 more factories in France in 2023 than in 2016. There’s no doubt about it: reindustrialization is on the move, and has accelerated particularly since the Covid crisis and the acceleration of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Startups also have their part to play in this economic movement.” Maddyness